The Nest
The Nest is our day-care provision for babies and children aged 3 months to approximately 2 years. Every child is unique and individual and we recognise this fully. This is why we are flexible on our age groupings within rooms. If your child begins their ‘Haven Journey’ with us in the Nest we will work closely with you when the time comes for them to transition to our Den provision. Some children may begin in the Den before they turn 2 and some slightly after. It is extremely important to us that we value each child as an individual and therefore transitions between rooms happen on an individual basis and parents will be involved at every step.
The Nest provides high quality care and learning in a safe, friendly, exciting and stimulating environment for babies and young children. We offer a ‘home from home’ atmosphere with ample space and excellent facilities, both inside and outside, for children to explore and learn at their own pace. As with all areas of our nursery children have free flow between the indoors and outdoors. Provision is carefully planned to meet the needs of the children and provide age appropriate resources and experiences. Practitioners are highly skilled at observing fascinations of children and ensuring their learning is supported and moved on using these interests.
Our key person approach allows children to form very secure attachments with staff whilst at the same time promoting independence and empowering children to be settled and confident in their environment. This promotes children’s emotional well-being and provides a very strong based for their learning. In the Nest we operate a ‘co-key person’ system so your child is given two designated Key People who will be at hand to welcome your child, get to know them as a person and as a learner, welcome you, answer any questions you may have and act a first port of call to the Nursery. Before your child begins with us you will be offered a home visit where key people visit you and your child in your home environment. This gives you the opportunity to tell us all about your child and share your hopes for their time at nursery. It also begins building relationships between your child and their key person as they are getting to know them in their familiar and comfortable environment.
Your child's key person will have regular informal and occasional formal discussions with you to ensure our partnership with you is maintained and strengthened. It is important for your child's welfare and learning that we maintain close links with you and that you feel able to talk to us and seek advice. It is important to note that while we operate a key person system, we pride ourselves on the fact that all practitioners will get to know children really well. There may be times when children are welcomed by, or handovers given from a member of staff who is not their key person.
Your child's key person will be keeping records and observations of your child's progress using Tapestry, our online learning journal. You will be asked to sign up for Tapestry when your child starts Nursery and are encouraged to include your own observations in their journal so that we can see how they are learning at home and celebrate milestones achieved.
As part of our ‘home from home’ approach we are very keen to take the lead from parents and carers to ensure children are supported and cared for in a way that in familiar to them. We discuss with parent’s routines around sleep, toileting and food to ensure we provide your child with continuity and working together as nursery and home
Whilst we have a general rhythm of the day (below) we are flexible with this to meet individual needs.