
Haven Nursery School“Magic Happens Here”


Welcome toHaven Nursery School“Magic Happens Here”


The Hive


The Hive is run by our highly experienced Lead Practitioner Jane Wardner and supported closely by Deputy Nursery Manager Mya Ford, joined with a large, experienced and skilled team of practitioners. The Headteacher has fully qualified teacher status and works closely with the staff team to plan and deliver the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum.

The Hive provides a caring, exciting, stimulating and well planned learning environment for 3 and 4 year olds. Children have continual free-flow access between the indoor and outdoor environments – and what a huge environment we have! Role-play, performance, mark making, science resources, sand, water, messy play, paint, junk modelling, construction, small world, reading and books - to name but a few, are available everyday both indoors and outdoors.




We want all children to find the excitement and adventure in their learning and therefore the needs and interests of the children are at the heart of all practice. We work hard to ensure all planning is motivating and engaging to the children. Practitioners work together to use observations of interests and learning to plan for next steps and enhance the environment with resources and opportunities that are irresistible to our children. As well as ample opportunities for free flow child initiated learning, we provide lots of adult led activities the children can access to further develop and enhance their learning.

Our key person approach allows children to form very secure attachments with staff whilst at the same time promoting independence and empowering children to be settled and confident in their environment.  This promotes children’s emotional well-being and provides a very strong base for their learning. In the Hive, we operate a Key Person system which the children know as ‘Family Time’. Sessions begin and end with family time which is a small group opportunity for your child to meet with their key person and friends. During this time, we are able to deliver discrete teaching sessions, focussing on skills such as early phonics and mathematics as well as sharing experiences, stories and interests of the group.




Your child's key person will usually be available at drop off and collection times to chat with you, talk about your child’s day and answer any questions and queries. We have regular informal and occasional formal discussions with you to ensure our partnership with you is maintained and strengthened. It is important for your child's welfare and learning that we maintain close links with you and that you feel able to talk to us and seek advice. It is important to note that while we operate a key person system, we pride ourselves on the fact that all practitioners will get to know children really well. There may be times when children are welcomed by, or handovers given from a member of staff who is not their key person.




Your child's key person will be keeping records and observations of your child's progress using Tapestry, our online learning journal. You will be asked to sign up for Tapestry when your child starts Nursery and are encouraged to include your own observations in their journal so that we can see how they are learning at home and celebrate milestones achieved.

We are extremely proud of our Nursery School provision and truly believe every child that attends Haven is given every opportunity to thrive. But please don’t just take our word for it – come and see for yourself!  Please contact the school office and Jane or Jodie will be very happy to offer you a tour.  Alternatively, please enjoy some of our Nursery photos below that we are excited to share with you.



The Hive - Gallery
