
Haven Nursery School“Magic Happens Here”


Welcome toHaven Nursery School“Magic Happens Here”


Haven is a very busy and popular nursery. We receive enquiries about places on a daily basis, and wherever possible we try to accommodate all requests, subject to availability.  Please note in order for us to assess whether we are able to place your child - a registration form must be filled out and returned to us before we can advise.

Government funded places for 3 and 4 year olds in our Nursery School (the Hive) are allocated in accordance with Hampshire County Council's Nursery School Admissions Policy, please see document below:

How to apply for a place in the Nursery School


We will need you to fill out one of our registration forms.  These can either be picked up at reception, or alternatively, they are available to download via the link below.


Please note:

​In the Hive (3-4 years) - the majority of children will be offered a place if they are starting in September as there will be a lot of spaces. 

Please remember children's government funding for 3 year olds (15 hours) will come into effect, the term after the child's 3rd birthday.
Terms are September, January and April of that academic year.

All applications received for a September (Autumn term) start will be considered in the preceding April/May, with outcome letters being issued soon after.

Subject to availability of places, applications for January (Spring term) starts will be notified in the preceding October/November

Applications for April (Summer term) starts will be notified in the preceding February/March. 

Any applications received after the ‘deadlines’ will be dealt with on an ‘as received’ basis with places allocated subject to space and eligibility.

The popularity of our nursery school does mean that occasionally we have to disappoint parents as we simply do not have enough spaces left, particularly for January and April intakes. If there is no place available for a child who is eligible for nursery funding, we will write to the parents informing them of this and offering a future date when their child will be offered a place.
Please note that demand levels fluctuate every year and places unexpectedly become available, so please do apply!


Daycare places  (payable places)


For parents of nursery school children who require childcare in addition to the funded hours, paid-for places are also available.  Applications for additional hours are dealt with in a similar manner to the Nest/Den (0-3’s) below.



The Nest (0-2's)  &  The Den (2-3’s)


Applications for a place in the Nest and Den are welcome at any time, but we always encourage parents to visit before applying for a place.

If, following your visit, you wish to formally request a place, you should complete and return a registration form at the earliest opportunity. Completed applications will be considered in allocations meetings which are held regularly.
You will then be notified if we have an available place which matches your requested attendance pattern.


Please note that childcare fees are payable monthly in advance.


Please contact us on 01329 232095 or email: with any queries.
